How Does Your Garden Grow?

Mama and I like to grow things.  We've had a garden in our backyard ever since I can remember, and I absolutely love it!  These pictures are of last year's garden, as this year's is just starting to pop up now, but I will keep you all updated on our organic veggie goodies!

This year we are growing:
  • leeks
  • tomatoes
  • carrots
  • corn
  • onions
  • beans
  • peas
  • parsley
  • strawberries
  • basil
  • chives
  • one pumpkin, who will be sacrificed for halloween!
  • daisies, hollyhocks and other various flowers
I love, love, love spending time in the garden.  Digging the soil over, playing with worms, deciding what to plant.  Most of all I love that everything is organic, and grown by my own hand, without any chemicals.  It's certainly much more delicious than store-bought!  Nothing tastes better than a carrot pulled straight from the ground and simply washed off with the hose to eat right there, or sun-warmed strawberries, and cherry tomatoes that burst luxuriously in your mouth.  Yum!

I also started a compost pile a couple of years ago, which we use daily for kitchen scraps. 
The rabbits get a kick out of it.

Do you have a garden?

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